Grades of cellulite and what you can do to treat them?

We all know that cellulite exists but did you know that there are different types of cellulite? There are two types of cellulite which are graded from 0 to 3.

Grade 0:

This is where there is no visible cellulite, even if there is slight dimpling and overall the skin looks smooth.

Grade 1:

Cellulite is not noticeable when standing or sitting down, but when the skin is pinched it becomes visible.

Grade 2:

There appears to be cellulite when standing but when lying down it disappears.

Grade 3:

Skin is dimpled when both standing and lying down and when you pinch it.

As well as being graded, cellulite has two main forms, soft and hard cellulite.

Soft Cellulite:

This type of cellulite, as it’s name suggests is soft to the touch but it doesn’t attach to the muscle and therefore is more noticeable. It usually affect larger areas of the body where there is a build up of fat like the upper thighs and upper arms. Soft cellulite will also move around and be more or less present when the body moves.This type of cellulite sits closer to the skin so is usually easier to treat. It tends to worsen with age and weight gain and can sometimes be accompanied with varicose veins. The most common areas soft cellulite will appear are the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and upper arms.

Hard Cellulite:

This type of cellulite is more common in younger women and more athletic body types. The skin is tight and dimpled with the familiar “orange peel” appearance which doesn’t alter with movement. It is harder to get rid of as it is attached to the muscle but is harder to see with the naked eye. The most common areas where hard cellulite can appear are the hips, upper thighs and around the back of the knees and it can sometimes be sensitive to the touch. It is best to treat this type of cellulite as soon as possible as the longer it is left the harder it is to treat.

What can I do to treat my cellulite?

If your cellulite is in grades 0 to 2 and seems to be soft cellulite then the best way to treat it is to focus on slow weight loss with a high protein intake and exercise. Resistance training is best to help increase muscle tone. Cosmetic creams such as the Figurite Anti-Cellulite System can be applied by massaging into the affected areas with circular motions which will help improve the circulation as well as actively treat the problem. Endermologie is also believed to be a very effective solution. It is a specialist mechanical device that rolls and lifts the skin tissue to break up the fatty deposits.

If you think your cellulite is hard cellulite and falls into grade 3 then it is best to act as soon as the problem has been identified because the earlier it is treated the better your chance of improving your cellulite. Endermologie and specialist creams can also help this type of cellulite but for a more drastic approach Mesotherapy can help. Mesotherapy is a series of injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic extracts into the fatty deposits between the connective tissue where they can act directly on the problem rather than just on the surface.

You can try and assess the severity of your own cellulite and take action accordingly but please consult a doctor before any change in diet or surgical action is taken.