5 Reasons you eat too much

Have you ever sat down to a meal, got to the end and thought, “I really didn’t need to eat all that!”? It’s easy to overeat in our everyday lives, although we may not realise why it is so easy. Are we just being greedy or is there a deeper, more scientific reason behind why we eat too much? Here, I have put together the five main reasons we eat too much so you can be more aware of your eating habits and make a few little changes that could make a big difference to your weight.

Protein is the most filling of the three food groups compared with carbs and fats which is why that muffin you grab in Starbucks on the way to work isn’t helping you at all. Protein triggers the production of PYY, the “full up” hormone in the brain and causes the release of glucose in the small intestine which both send out satiety signals. Protein also takes more calories to burn which will help with weight loss while stopping you from snacking. Try replacing your morning croissant or muffin with an egg white omelette or natural yogurt with fruit.

1. You aren’t eating enough protein

Protein is the most filling of the three food groups compared with carbs and fats which is why that muffin you grab in Starbucks on the way to work isn’t helping you at all. Protein triggers the production of PYY, the “full up” hormone in the brain and causes the release of glucose in the small intestine which both send out satiety signals. Protein also takes more calories to burn which will help with weight loss while stopping you from snacking. Try replacing your morning croissant or muffin with an egg white omelette or natural yogurt with fruit.

2. You stay up too late

Are you someone who can’t go to bed before midnight? Then listen up. Research has shown that people who stay up late are more likely to eat sweet, starchy and salty foods and are more likely to eat late at night. When staying up late the body’s internal clock increases hunger and cravings for sweet and salty foods making you more likely to choose unhealthy food to eat. You are also more likely to snack while watching tv so try combating this by drinking a herbal tea or by brushing your teeth (after all, no one wants to eat anything after brushing their teeth!).

3. You eat too quickly

We’ve all done it. Stuffed our faces as quickly as possible because we are so hungry but doing this will actually make you eat more than your body needs. When we eat our body produces a hormone called leptin which tells the body when we are full. It takes approximately 20 minutes of eating before this hormone is released to tell you you are full. Eating too quickly will mean there isn’t enough time for the leptin to be released and you are more likely to eat more food. Try slowing down your eating habits by drinking water in between bites or eating with someone else can help. Conversing over a meal will encourage natural pauses in your meal which will stop you from rushing and stuffing food down your throat.

4. You skip breakfast and eat lunch too late

Skipping breakfast might seem like a great way to save calories but it may encourage you to eat more and binge eat when you do. It is better to eat your calories earlier on in the day when we are more active and our bodies are burning more calories than to suppress our appetites until late in the afternoon.

5. You’re drinking diet soda

It may seem like a good low calorie option to drink with your lunch but all those sugarless drinks don’t actually satisfy your sugar cravings, making you more likely to snack on something sweet. The sugar replacement sweeteners don’t actually trick your brain into thinking you have had something sweet so try switching your lunchtime diet coke with sparkling water and a squeeze of lemon or lime, it’s more hydrating and the lemon or lime will help to boost your metabolism.